
MetaTrader To CTrader

The Additional File
  • Extract the file DaneTrades MT To CTrader anywhere on your computer.
  • Run the file called DaneTrades MT To CTrader.
  • Choose either you want to run it as a trial (leave logins empty) or use the License (when purchased the product use the danetrades.com login and password) you will be redirected to another window.

  • Go to connection tab
  • Select account type you want to copy to (live/demo) and press authenticate and you will be redirected to your CTrader website to select which accounts you want to approve to be used in copy trading and press “Allow Access”.

  • After authentication get back to your app to select which account you want to copy from and press Select and Start Copying (for multiple accounts run multiple app instances and repeat the process)


How to Install EA
  • Open the MT4/MT5 platform Select ‘File’ from the main menu
  • Click on ‘Open Data Folder’ to bring up a new folder panel
  • Select the ‘MQL4/5’ folder, followed by the ‘Experts’ folder
  • Drag and drop (or Copy) your EA file(s) into this folder
  • Restart MetaTrader for your changes to take affect
Activating The License

To use the license you will need to do the following.

  • Go to the MetaTrader Terminal > Tools > Options > Expert Advisors
  • Check Allow WebRequest for listed URL
  • Add https://danetrades.com

  • In the EA inputs tab enter your email and password used to sign up to danetrades.com
  • Your license is attached to your login and should allow the EA to start

  • When you run the copier if you app is already running and account selected you will find the accounts available on the copier so select account/s to start copying. Else run the exe app and press refresh on the Metatrader copier to view active accounts
Follow instructions below to login to EA
  • Open the MT4/MT5 platform Select ‘File’ from the main menu
  • Click on ‘Open Data Folder’ to bring up a new folder panel
  • Select the ‘MQL4/5’ folder, followed by the ‘Experts’ folder
  • Drag and drop (or Copy) your EA file(s) into this folder
  • Restart MetaTrader for your changes to take affect
How To Copy Multiple Accounts - Same Login
  • When you run the copier if you app is already running and account selected you will find the accounts available on the copier so select account/s to start copying. Else run the exe app and press refresh on the Metatrader copier to view active accounts


Save & Load Symbol Maps

If you need to make a change to the symbol map and want to save it please follow the instructions below

  1. Make changes to the symbol(s) you wish to have a custom map
  2. Click on Save/Load Map
  3. Give the symbol map a saved name and click save
  4. To load a map go the the load file drop down menu and select the symbol map
  5. Click load to load the selected map

Configuration - General Tab

  1. Fixed Lots – If you want every trade to be copied using a fixed lot then check this option
  2. Lot multiplier – If a Lot multiplier is set to 1 this means the lot size will be copied exactly how it is in the MT5 Account. If this is set to 0.5 then lot size will be half of the MT5 Account. If it is set to 2 then lot size will be double the MT5 Account. If you have a 10k MT5 account and you are copying to a 1k CTrader account, this is 10x smaller. So lot multiplier should be set to 0.1 to keep the same risk.
  3. Risk Factor – This is set by default. Relative risk from Master to Slave. Assuming a Risk Factor of 1 and you use 1% risk on a Master of 100k, it will be adjusted to be 1% risk on a 50k Slave (or any amount). Using a Risk Factor of 2 the risk would be double on the Slave account. Using a Risk factor of 0.5 and the risk will be halved on the Slave. (Ctrader Account balance added manually in the input below)
  4. Max Daily Loss – Includes closed trades and running open trades and can be set in % of account or Monetary value ($). Once this loss has been reached for the day all trades will be closed. No more trades will be copied to CTrader. Max Daily Loss is reset at the end of the trading day and is tied to broker time.
  5. Max Daily Profit – Includes closed trades and running open trades and can be set in % of account or Monetary value ($). Once this profit has been reached for the day all trades will be closed. No more trades will be copied to CTrader. Max Daily Profit is reset at the end of the trading day and is tied to broker time.
  6. Signal Delay – Add a delay to your signals in Milliseconds (ms)
  7. Round up Lots to broker minimum – If the lotsize calculated for the CTrader Account is less than the allowed minimum lot then this will round up the lot so it can be sent. For example a lotsize is calculated for US30 as 0.02 and the Min Lot is 0.1. The lot size for US30 will be rounded up to 0.1 so it can be sent. Please keep in mind your trades will have more risk than initially intended if this gets used.
  8. Enable Relative pricing – Adjusts the price automatically for the differences between the price feeds
Configuration - Symbol Tab

It is highly recommended you include this in a set file if your broker has symbols with Prefix and Suffix. Enter these in the EA’s inputs before startup so when you log in the symbols map correctly right away

  1. Symbols that exist in your Market Watch List in MetaTrader. You need to add the symbols you want copied into your market watch list. If you add new symbols while the EA is running you will need to click Update Symbols to refresh
  2. Symbols that exist on the CTrader platform. Sometimes there are more than one entry for the symbol in CTrader. If that is the case double click on the symbol name to get a drop down box. You can change the symbol if it appears in the list.
  3. MT5 Prefix – If your MT5 brokers symbols use a Prefix such as cGBPUSD then you will need to enter ‘c’ in the Prefix. Then click Update symbols to map them. Prefix must be added exactly as it appears in your broker
  4. MT5 Suffix – If your MT5 brokers symbols use a Suffix such as GBPUSD.i then you will need to enter ‘.i’ in the Suffix. Then click Update symbols to map them. Suffix must be added exactly as it appears in your broker
  5. Refresh Symbol List – Updates the symbol list according to your Market Watch and your Symbol Prefix and Suffix
  6. Opens window to save and load symbol maps
Configuration - Filters

  1. Include Magic – If this is enabled only Trades with these Magic Numbers will be copied. Everything else will be ignored. To add more than one use a comma to separate them e.g 12345,223344,333444
  2. Exclude Magic – If this is enabled Trades with Magic Numbers matching one in this list will be ignored. Everything else will be copied. To add more than one use a comma to separate them e.g 12345,223344,333444
  3. Include Symbol – If this is enabled only Trades matching these Symbols will be copied. Everything else will be ignored. To add more than one use a comma to separate them e.g GBPUSD,EURUSD,US30
  4. Exclude Symbol – If this is enabled Trades matching these Symbols in the list will be ignored . Everything else will be copied. To add more than one use a comma to separate them e.g GBPUSD,EURUSD,US30
  5. Copy Buys – Enable to copy buy trades
  6. Copy Sells – Enable to copy sell trades
  7. Copy Pendings – Enable to copy pending orders
  8. Copy SL – Enable to copy the SL of all trades. If unchecked, all SL will be 0
  9. Copy TP – Enable to copy the TP of all trades. If unchecked all TP will be 0
  10. Ignore Trades With No SL – If Enabled then any trade that does not have a SL (Set to 0) will NOT be copied
  11. Reverse Copy – Reverses the trades. Buys To Sells, Sells To Buys. Buy Limit To Sell Stop, Buy Stop To Sell Limit, Sell Limit To Buy Stop, Sell Stop To Buy Limit. Warning: If you reverse copy trades and then turn it off or vice versa, the trades being copied will no longer be managed!
Configuration - Time Tab

  1. Trade On Monday – If enabled trades will be copied on Monday
  2. Trade On Tuesday – If enabled trades will be copied on Tuesday
  3. Trade On Wednesday – If enabled trades will be copied on Wednesday
  4. Trade On Thursday – If enabled trades will be copied on Thursday
  5. Trade On Friday – If enabled trades will be copied on Friday
  6. Trade On Saturday – If enabled trades will be copied on Saturday
  7. Trade On Sunday – If enabled trades will be copied on Sunday
  8. Use Time Filter – If enabled then only trades taken between the Start Hour and End Hour will be copied
  9. Trading Start Hour – Define the start hour for trades to be copied
  10. Trading End Hour – Define the end hour for trades to be copied

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